Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 8

Today I was feeling very 50/50. I practiced the whole... binding my lady whatsits today and man does it look awesome. I want to do that for no reason some days. It's oddly liberating.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We'll say it's Day 7 and hope that that's the case.

I'm having a 0/30 day. Interesting indeed. I don't feel female at all today and I feel a teensy weensy bit male. Oddly enough, when it's like this, I feel the most comfortable. I don't know why. I never really feel comfortable with myself when I'm feeling considerably feminine. It just feels so unnatural to me.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 5? 6?

I feel more feminine after getting my hair cut. HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN? This was not the plan! Abort! Abort! Oh wait... shit... can't do. Ah well, it looks nice though I am at an 85/15. Bah. Ho hum, pig's bum.

Day... oh fack, have I lost count already?

Hm... about... 70/30 today. I wonder why I insist on doing even numbers. Okay, let's say about 70.7/29.3 There we go. Hehe. But I'm getting my hair cut in 4 1/2 hours. I wonder if that will affect it...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 3

60/40 today. Also looking forward to getting my haircut. Not that it will give me any sort of androgynous look, but I'm done with long hair until it decides to grow back. Besides, I'm playing Puck and I think the long hair really would make Puck obviously female and I don't think the director wants that.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 2

Feeling a full on 80/20 this morning. Not sure why, it may be the coffee, or this adorable ribbon in my hair. Either way, I am whole again. Not that it was bad feeling like neither or just feeling slightly like both. This is a much more amusing/interesting challenge for me than I thought it would be.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm feeling like a 10/30 about now. What the other 60 is, I don't know.

Appearance wise I'm still completely female, so I guess that's good.

Also, I'm sleepy and hungry.

Day 1

This morning I'm very neutral. I didn't take this into account. I feel like neither. So it's not 50/50, it's more like 0/0. Whereas yesterday I started at about 70/30 but ended 0/0. I wonder how this day will shape up.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A quick explanation

This is my daily report of what I think of my own gender. It's for my own amusement. Ignore if you can. I guess it's just that gender wasn't really something I ever thought about and so I decided for awhile I'm going to really think about it and see what my feelings are on it (though I really wouldn't recommend it). It will always be expressed in F/M. Complete equality between both would be represented with 50/50, just for an example. I might make comments along with it as well, just to explain. It's mostly going to be silly. It's really not serious, though the F/M will really be what I feel that day or that moment. But I may stick in the occasional real blog entry about gender and whatnot. Who knows. It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to. Though I probably won't actually cry.